Customer story

Unlocking market insights for NEOM's cognitive city

Multi-region insights

from key stakeholders

Comprehensive data

on global talent pool

Strategic roadmap

for investment attraction

About NEOM

NEOM is a visionary project in Saudi Arabia, aiming to build a cognitive city that integrates cutting-edge technology, sustainable development, and innovative urban planning. NEOM is set to be a hub for global talent and investment, redefining the future of urban living.

Real estate


NEOM, a pioneering project developing a cognitive city in Saudi Arabia, partnered with CleverX to gain comprehensive market insights. The goal was to inform NEOM's strategy and enhance its ability to attract global talent and investment. NEOM aimed to understand the perceptions and aspirations of target audiences worldwide, including potential investors, businesses, and skilled professionals interested in futuristic and sustainable development.

The challenge

NEOM faced several unique challenges in gauging global sentiment towards its revolutionary project:

  • Inadequacy of traditional research methods to capture the depth and breadth of insights needed from a diverse, international audience.
  • Need for a nuanced understanding of how potential stakeholders viewed such an ambitious initiative.
  • Requirement to identify priorities for sustainable development among potential investors and partners.
  • Necessity to understand factors that would motivate global talent to invest in or relocate to NEOM.
  • Identification of specific demographics and skills of the global talent pool NEOM aimed to attract.

CleverX solution

CleverX designed and implemented a comprehensive market research study tailored to NEOM's unique needs:

  • Global audience targeting: Diverse sample across key regions, including potential investors, business leaders, and skilled professionals.
  • Multi-method approach: Combination of surveys, in-depth interviews, and online discussions to gather holistic insights.
  • Data validation: Stringent screening process with multi-layered checks to prevent fraudulent data and ensure participant credibility.
  • Customized analysis: Tailored analysis to extract actionable insights specific to NEOM's objectives.


The study provided NEOM with a wealth of actionable insights that significantly informed their strategy:

NEOM gained a clear understanding of investor priorities for sustainable development projects, allowing them to tailor their offerings and messaging effectively. The research identified the demographics, skills, and motivations of the global talent NEOM needed to attract and retain, providing a roadmap for targeted recruitment efforts. Insights into target audience perceptions enabled NEOM to refine its communication strategy, ensuring it resonated with potential partners and investors.

The comprehensive market intelligence delivered by CleverX provided NEOM with a significant strategic advantage. It offered a data-driven foundation for attracting global investment, talent, and partnerships, reinforcing NEOM's position as a pioneering force in sustainable urban development. This research not only informed immediate strategic decisions but also established a baseline for ongoing market analysis, enabling NEOM to adapt and refine its approach as the project progresses.

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