Customer story

Transforming AT&T’s API monetization with industry-specific insights


Verified industry experts engaged


Participants onboarded in 1 week


Key industries' API needs analyzed

About AT&T

AT&T is a leading telecommunications company, providing innovative solutions and connectivity to millions of customers worldwide. They offer a wide range of services including wireless communications, broadband, digital TV, and advanced business solutions.

Consumer services


AT&T, a leading telecommunications company, partnered with one of the largest market research agency in the world and CleverX to gain critical market insights for their API monetization project. The goal was to understand the specific needs of key industries – finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation – to tailor AT&T's API offerings effectively.

The challenge

AT&T faced several hurdles in gathering the necessary insights:

  • Reaching a highly targeted audience of senior executives within specific industries.
  • Overcoming the time constraints of busy professionals who are typically difficult to engage.
  • Gathering in-depth, industry-specific insights within a limited timeframe.
  • Ensuring the quality and relevance of participants to maintain data integrity.

CleverX solution

CleverX addressed these challenges by implementing a comprehensive strategy:

  • Expert identification: Leveraged CleverX's extensive platform to identify over 150 verified experts aligned with AT&T's requirements.
  • Efficient recruitment: Employed proven strategies to engage busy senior executives across diverse industries.
  • Rapid onboarding: Successfully onboarded more than 500 participants within one week.
  • User-friendly platform: Utilized CleverX's intuitive interface to facilitate a smooth survey experience, contributing to high response rates.
  • Quality assurance: Implemented rigorous verification processes to ensure participant credibility and data integrity.


CleverX's solution delivered significant value to AT&T's API monetization project. The targeted insights provided AT&T with valuable market research from decision-makers who would ultimately be using their APIs. The rapid turnaround of comprehensive insights within a compressed time frame allowed AT&T to stay ahead in a competitive market.

By gathering detailed feedback from finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation sectors, AT&T gained the industry-specific understanding needed to tailor their API offerings effectively. This data-driven approach empowered AT&T to make informed decisions regarding their API monetization strategy, aligning their product with specific market needs.

The collaboration between CleverX, a large research agency and AT&T demonstrates the power of targeted, efficient market research in shaping innovative business strategies. By connecting AT&T with the right experts and facilitating rapid data collection, CleverX played a crucial role in informing AT&T's API monetization strategy, positioning them for success in this competitive landscape.

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