Customer story

Unlocking global advertising insights for Pinterest


Global advertising experts recruited


Incidence rate achieved


Recurrent monthly responses

About Pinterest

Pinterest is a renowned social media platform that allows users to discover and share ideas through images and videos. It serves as a visual discovery engine, inspiring creativity and providing solutions across various interests and industries.

Social media


A U.S based research firm partnered with CleverX to conduct a comprehensive study for Pinterest's advertising platform. The project aimed to enhance Pinterest's understanding of its global advertiser base, focusing on advertisers' needs, preferences, and buying habits. This insight was crucial for Pinterest to improve its products, tools, and services, ultimately increasing its value to business partners worldwide.

The study required high-quality, fraud-free data from a diverse pool of advertising and marketing experts with experience using Pinterest's advertising platform. The goal was to gather insights from professionals across the globe, including senior executives, providing Pinterest with an international perspective on its advertising ecosystem.

The challenge

The research firm faced several key challenges in executing this study for Pinterest:

  • Global reach: Accessing a representative sample of advertising professionals from various markets and industries.
  • Quality assurance: Ensuring the authenticity and relevance of respondents to maintain data integrity.
  • Time constraint: Delivering comprehensive insights within a tight timeframe to inform Pinterest's decisions.
  • Depth of insights: Gathering actionable insights that could drive meaningful improvements in Pinterest's advertising platform.
  • Senior executive access: Obtaining input from senior decision-makers in the advertising world for high-level strategic perspectives.
  • Continuous monitoring: Establishing a system for ongoing data collection to track evolving trends and advertiser sentiments.

CleverX solution

CleverX addressed these challenges with its market research capabilities:

  • Efficient global recruitment: CleverX quickly activated its network, reaching out to thousands of marketing professionals worldwide. This resulted in the recruitment of over 500 qualified participants, including senior executives.
  • Thorough verification process: CleverX implemented a multi-layered system to ensure data quality:
    • Opt-in and double opt-in procedures
    • Fourteen distinct security checks
    • IP address validation
    • Fingerprint analysis
    • AI-powered screening
    • Human review of profiles
  • Rapid data collection: The study was completed in 72 hours, achieving a 100% acceptance rate and an Incidence Rate (IR) exceeding 90%.
  • Specialized survey platform: CleverX's platform facilitated smooth participant onboarding and efficient data collection.
  • Diverse sample: The final sample included a mix of advertisers and agency members from various industries, company sizes, and regions, providing Pinterest with a comprehensive global perspective.


This collaboration between CleverX and the US based research firm delivered significant results for Pinterest. The 500+ high-quality responses provided Pinterest with valuable insights into advertiser needs and preferences, enabling informed strategic decisions. Pinterest gained insight into regional differences in advertiser behavior, allowing for more targeted global strategies. The insights directly influenced Pinterest's product development, leading to enhancements in their advertising tools and services.

The success of the initial study led to the establishment of a monthly tracker, delivering 150+ responses per wave. This continuous data flow helps Pinterest stay current with market trends. The depth and quality of insights strengthened Pinterest's position in the social media advertising market. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of combining global reach with rigorous data verification in market research.

This collaboration provided Pinterest with immediate, actionable insights and established a foundation for continuous improvement in their advertising offerings. The ongoing monthly tracker ensures that Pinterest remains responsive to the changing needs of its global advertiser base, supporting its position in the digital advertising ecosystem.

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